Finally, I have decided to move on from my current position...Yes..I have resigned from IBM and now moving back to
Jalandhar to join Impel....yet again..The decision has not been taken on impulse nor has it been decided overnight...It has taken a long time and a lot of thought..Of course it has its own share of speculations to it, but overall it has been a very much thought of step.. I have taken into consideration the valuable inputs from all around including, but not limited to,
Anshu &
Nikhil. Yet
manu other have expressed their doubts and concerns about the move , i guess overall it has been received well....The decision that is....Sunny is visibly upset about it, sole reason being that he would be left alone in almost a quarter of a year. Same sentiments have expressed by others at office as well, primarily
Ritesh and
Jagpal has in hidden words said so as well(
mai bhukkha reh jaana kanjra) but I think he is happy for me overall...
Professionally, I think it would be smart to move to my core skill. Something that I have attached myself since my school days. Impel. I don't think I can detach myself from it anyways, with or without working with them. I consider it more of working with them instead of working for them. The feeling about fact that I would be returning to base in 10 days or so is very different. I don't think I am feeling anything different though. It is mixed with pangs of sadness, confusion, sympathy and what not, but I guess it is all part of game. that is what it is at end of the day. A game which we all are trying to beat the life at.
प्यास बुझा सकता नहीं, मेरी बस इक्क पैमाना
मुझको तोह बस पीना है मय्खाने का मयखाना.