It's been a long time since I remembered God; and with this remembrance came the realization that it was due to fear and not faith. Fear and faith are so overlapping that people don't realize if they are being fearful or faithful. Most of the religious activities are performed out of sheer fear of unknown or unspoken. Fear is so dominant that practically no one thinks of deviating a bit even if its logical.
Age old practices are still being followed without judging their relevance or knowing the reason behind them. Faith should set us to be free of fear and not the other way around. We are controlled by fear and still try to define faith and its results and repercussions. We are highly confused between discipline and faith. Whereas it is okay to be strict in discipline towards the realization; I think it is free will that should decide the form of faith. Any guesses????
Dear i let u know what is faith "when u love some one either its God or a Person or any creature" it leads to faith just like most of us have faith in our parents just because we love them not because of Fear. Ya but i truly i agree that in today era people or we also remember god when there is a fear so its true That Fear and faith are overlapped just because we can't define LOVE "its a feeling, FAITH, Blind trust, reliance......" i don't know much about love but one thing i can say surely that Love is Faith not Fear...., I hope u better understand....., I might be wrong so please guide me if i m on the wrong track....
Nikhil Indian