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Thursday, August 12, 2010


I was talking to someone today about his temperament and how it, seemingly, has changed over the past.
I asked him if it is his changed temper or has he just being to the point like I am. And at that very moment I realized that my way, of being to the point, must be perceived by some to be rude or at least in anger.
In this medium of online written communication, like FB, Orkut or EMails, how are we supposed to determine what the other one is trying to say, contextually. I mean, the words may be the same but how you say it make THE DIFFERENCE. For an example, telling someone to Shut-up may be taken as rude whereas it could have been written pretty amicably. How on earth can you decipher the tone of a written sentence? In a language where you can't decide what a word, like run, means unless read in full context, how are we supposed to capture the emotions of short comments. My request, please don't write short sentences or you risk being misunderstood.

1 comment:

  1. i guess k eh kis layi hai.......but i read coments aswel on fb........ so no comment kite short words na hojaaan.....lolzzzzzzzz hna sherry bhaji....hehehe
