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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trust & Trustworthiness - Is there a frame of context ???

I believe that doing by choice is greater than doing by force and that makes us chose our friends over our family. Among other things that form a friendship is the trust that we put into the relation. What I am thinking is that how much trust can you put into something. It is of course we, who decide to trust; but is there any limit or 'box' in which the boundaries of trust can be observed. Is there a limit to trust that can be put into something or someone? Do we show varying level of trust for the same person or thing at different times? This of course is true at different levels of relations or usage, but what I am trying to decipher is that if it is true for a constant level of relationship. For example, does a Husband show varying level of trust in his wife after, say 25 years of married life? 
     I guess the point of discussion is that if trust like everything else has a context too. That would, however, mean that I would trust or not trust someone depending upon the current circumstances and not based on my own judgement or conscience. And when that happens, do relations sustain or do they just snap off? Now some of us may confuse it with level of confidence that you might show in someone but there is difference so subtle that many people just don't differentiate between two. For example, If someone asks me to lend my car to him, I may not have confidence in him as a driver but I may trust him that he would tell me the right thing about his driving skills. So you see what I am trying to reach at. Any calls?

1 comment:

  1. deshveer10:15 PM

    people do things not on trust but on very acute sense of 'if i do this what will I get in return' u can still give ur car to sum1 u don't trust if u know he can b used in sum other way. saying that u trust is just to make 1self feel better about the whole deal, humans have mastered the art of fooling, so much so that now they r not even aware that they r fooling themselves...

    the entire judgement is taken solely on the basis of "what do I have to gain in this or what do I have to loose in this" nothing else, people calculate and take a decision. even a child can calculate and take a decision 'these people are providing me food & comfort, there is no harm in loving them' but if they stop doing that and start becoming stern & stop giving what the child want & once the child realises this is not working as per his plan, he'll move away as soon as he can and will start looking 4 sum1 else who can fulfill those demands which were being fulfilled by the parents, the love & respect will change from parents to that person, same is applicable to all the other relations 4m office to wife to girlfriend or b it ne relation,

    now if sum says this is not correct, then i'll have to say they have not faced the situation where the things that were of permanent assistance, have started to become permanent hindrance, annoyance or trouble.

    once this happens they won't even realize how quickly they r gonna move away from it, b it ur parents or friends or nething and believe me u'll have all the right reasons to rationalize it...

    so trust is just a business, nothing else, as long as it is giving profit it's all nice & good but the minute it becomes a liability it no longer remains trust.
